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Journey to Rustacean

·315 words·2 mins·
Linux Notes Rust Linux Terminal Programming
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Rust Notes

Understanding Main function and Macros of Rust using Hello World.

// This is a comment
fn main() {
    println!("Hello, world!");
    // This prints hello, world with a \n by default
  • fn: funcation (like mini program)
  • main: the main functon, where the program begins
  • macro: (like built in function). How is it a macro? -> !
    • print!: just a normal print. all output of multiple print! will be in one line without spaces
    • println!: Prints each println! strings in different lines
  • Comments: //


// This is a comment
fn main() {
    println!("Hello, world!");
    This is a 
    multi - line 
    block. (/* xyz */)


fn main() {
    println!('Hello, world!');
  • In rust, when we want to declare a string, it needs to be in single quatation "xyz", not in single quatation.

Premitives: Integer

  • Scalar types: int, char, foat, boolean
  • unsigned: never -ve (u8, u16, u32, u64, u128, usize)
  • signed: can be -ve or +ve (i8, i16, i32, i64, i128, isize)
  • Default is i32 (best practice)
// {} -> Place holder
// MAX -> Max value that can be represented by this integer type
fn main() {
    println!("Max size of a u32: {}", u32::MAX);

Output: Max size of a u32: 4294967295

Premitives: Float

  • Floats: f32, f64
  • pi = 3.14
fn main() {
    println!("Max size of a f32: {}", f32::MAX);
    println!("Max size of a f64: {}", f64::MAX);
// Max size of a f32: 340282350000000000000000000000000000000
// Max size of a f64: 179769313486231570000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

Premitives: boolean

  • True or False
  • representation: bool

Premitives: character

  • char - 4 bytes


  • let
  • variables in rust are immutable
fn main() {
    let hello = "Hello, world!";
    // let hello: &str = "Hello, world!";
    // let _hello = "Hello, world!";
    //      unused variable: `hello`, mute output
    println!("{}", hello);
  • Mutable variable
fn main() {
    let hello = "Hello, world!";
    println!("{}", hello);

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